Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week 21

Just finished up the 5th month and feeling great. Lots of family in town for the past month has been so fun for the little guy. We'll be sad to see them go. Especially Mo...


*Sorry for all the baby related posts lately. It's all I think & feel. Literally.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Now & Laters

Oh Anthro... I love that you make flowy tops that I can wear pre & post baby F.

Oh Anthro

It's a...............

Beautiful boy!!

Little baby boy

isn't he already so cute?! we can't wait to meet you little man. xx

Friday, March 19, 2010

Sun baby

Missing that warm weather and turquoise water...

18 weeks


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Coming home to Mo

I hate it that she can't come on vacations with us :( I miss her so much...


Ron Mueck

I've always loved his work and just recently came across his Pregnant Woman & Mother and Child sculptures. So graphic and honest, I would love to see them in person.

*more info here

Monday, March 1, 2010

Our little turnip

my view as of late...


Couch Potato

Sometimes we end up watching Animal Cops all night, because someone doesn't like to share the remote...

Couch Potato

Rockabye Baby!

Ever since I stumbled upon these, I've been wanting them so badly for Baby F. I just love the thought of our little one dozing off to a lullaby of Led Zeppelin, Bob Marley or Radiohead. They have SO many to choose from.
So how surprised was I when Robb started playing them for me last night! What a sweet boy he is. This is one lucky baby to have such a cool Daddy already.